For this assignment, we had to pick a type of thematic map, and create
data for the poverty levels in the United States. I chose quantile
mapping, because I found it to be the most aesthetically appealing,
while still displaying accurate data (!!NOTE!! Louisiana does not have
data, and I could not find an efficient and accurate way to enter it, so
all values in that area are set to zero).
As you can see, the areas with the most poverty are mostly in the south, with a small patch in the northern USA. Why did I pick this map? While the alternatives did add more accurate detail, they made for a cluttered and messy overview, especially when you take into account that the data was separated by counties. However, one problem I experienced with quantile mapping was that it seemed to be incompatible with Alaska and Hawaii... This type of mapping did not appear to register with them, and failed to produce any results.
Despite the problems, I actually find that this map is very effective. I went about creating it by first using kriging to organize and group the data, then, I went about and transformed that data into a more visually appealing map. This was accomplished by using the Geostatistical Analyst tool, the Geostatistical Wizard, and properly entering the data.