Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Adventures in ArcGIS! Watersheds

For this assignment, we had to construct a watershed chart for a specific area.  I chose Mason county in Michigan.  First, I went to the Seamless Server and downloaded a DEM of the county, and converted it to the proper measurements for ArcGIS.  Then, went through various processes, including creating a pour point.  The steps I took can be found within the Model Builder Model, which I will include below.  This assignment went smoothly, and I encountered few problems overall.
Stream Network of Mason County, including all streams with a value greater than 3000.
Watershed of northern stream network in Mason County.  Notice the pour point, where the watershed meets Lake Michigan in the farthest left side of the map.
The Model Builder Model.  This details the steps I took to create the Watershed Map.

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